According to L. 3784 (Government Gazette 137Α / 07-08-2009), the installation of an automated Input-Output Systems is required for all gas stations in Greece.
In Φ2-1617 (Government Gazette) 1980 / 21-12-2010) and POL. 1009 decisions, the operational standards of the systems, as well as their installation schedule in gas stations are described.
Later decisions Φ2-2022 (Government Gazette 3017 / 14-11-2012) and POL. 1203 (Government Gazette 3130 / 26-11-2012) define or modify some details of previous decisions and constitute the final amendment to the Input-Output system standards.
Logicom meets all statutory requirements by:
- Pump management system
- Tank monitoring system
- Gas station management software
- while being able to measure the volume of tanks and issue the relevant certificate.
The Input-Output system is required to cover all liquid fuel distribution activities in each gas station, by automated registration of volumes distributed, automated comparison in input-output and transmitting the data to the General Secretariat of Information Systems.